Start an Interior Design Company in Dubai

“We’re With You Every Step of The Way”

The Rise of Interior Design Companies in Dubai

Establishing is gaining popularity for several compelling reasons. One major factor is Dubai’s booming construction and real estate sectors, which create a continuous demand for skilled interior designers. With numerous residential, commercial, and hospitality projects underway, the market for interior design services is expanding rapidly.

Strategic Location and Economic Benefits

Dubai’s robust infrastructure, coupled with a pro-business environment, offers numerous advantages. Entrepreneurs benefit from favourable tax policies, including no personal or corporate income tax, which significantly boosts profitability and business sustainability.

Diverse and Dynamic Market

Dubai’s cultural diversity adds to the city’s appeal for interior designers. With residents and businesses from around the world, there is a rich tapestry of tastes and preferences to cater to. This diversity allows interior designers to showcase their creativity and adaptability, making it an exciting and rewarding market for innovative design solutions.

Simplified Business Setup Process

Dubai’s government has streamlined the process of starting a business, making it relatively straightforward to establish an interior design company. Entrepreneurs can choose between setting up in a free zone, which offers 100% foreign ownership, or on the mainland, which allows for broader market access but requires a local sponsor. The steps include:

  • Selecting a trade name.
  • Obtaining initial approvals.
  • Renting office space.
  • Securing the necessary licenses and permits.

High-Profit Margins and Market Demand

The interior design industry in Dubai is known for its high profit margins. Clients in Dubai value quality and are willing to pay a premium for exceptional design services. This is especially true in the luxury segment, where the demand for opulent and bespoke interiors is strong. The continuous development of high-end residential properties, luxury hotels, and upscale commercial spaces ensures a steady stream of projects for interior design firms.

Access to a Thriving Economy

Dubai’s thriving economy, driven by key sectors such as tourism, real estate, and hospitality, provides a fertile ground for interior design businesses. The city’s commitment to innovation and urban development creates a dynamic and evolving market, offering ample opportunities for growth and expansion. Starting an interior design company in Dubai involves several key steps. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you navigate the process effectively:

Business Diaries: Your Guide to Success

Establishing your interior design company, Business Diaries, in Dubai is a strategic move. The city’s booming construction sector and supportive business environment create ample opportunities for growth. By carefully following the detailed steps, you can efficiently navigate the entire setup process and start offering your interior design services in one of the world’s most dynamic markets. Contact us today if you have any questions or need further assistance.


Process to Get an Interior Design Company License in Dubai

Steps to Setup an Interior Design Business in Dubai

  1. Select and Reserve a Trade Name
    • Choose a unique trade name that complies with Dubai’s naming conventions. Submit 3-4 options to the Department of Economic Development (DED) for approval.
  2. Determine Business Structure and Location
    • Decide between establishing your company in a free zone or on the mainland. Free zones let foreign investors own their businesses completely and have tax exemptions.
  3. Rent Office Space
    • Secure a tenancy contract for your office space. This is a crucial step as it is required for the business license application.
  4. Obtain Initial Approval
    • Submit the necessary documents, including the trade name certificate, a completed application form, and passport copies of shareholders, to obtain initial approval from DED.
  5. Draft Memorandum of Association (MOA)
    • Create and notarize the MOA, which outlines the business activities and ownership structure of your company.
  6. Apply for a Business License
    • Complete the business license application by submitting all required documents and obtaining approvals from relevant authorities. Depending on your specific activities, you may need additional approvals from entities like Dubai Municipality or the Dubai Development Authority.
  7. Register for Additional Permits and Approvals
    • If your business involves specialized activities, you may need extra permits. For interior design, this could include specific design approvals and adherence to the Dubai Universal Design Code.
  8. Process Employee and Owner Visas
    • Apply for visas for yourself, your family, and your employees. This involves submitting visa applications and required documents to the General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs (GDRFA).
  9. Open a Corporate Bank Account
    • After selecting a bank that aligns with your business needs, proceed to open a business bank account to manage your company’s financial transactions.

How much does it cost to set up an Interior Design Company License in  Dubai?

The cost for a trade license typically ranges from AED 15,000 to AED 30,000, depending on the specific requirements and the issuing authority​.

Documents Required for Interior Design Company License in Dubai

Here is a list of documents typically required to obtain a interior design company license in Dubai:

  • For Initial Approval: Completed application form, passport copies of shareholders, and a detailed business plan.
  • For Registration: Trade name certificate, Memorandum of Association, and tenancy contract.

Frequently Asked Questions


How do I apply for visas for my employees?

After obtaining your trade license, you can apply for visas through the relevant Dubai government portals. This includes providing necessary documentation and meeting visa requirements.

What ongoing compliance requirements must I meet?

Ensure timely renewal of your business license and visa. Adhere to local labor laws and maintain accurate financial records for audits.

    Can I offer freelance interior design services?

    Yes, you can apply for a freelance permit if you prefer to operate as an independent designer. This permit allows you to offer your services without establishing an entire company.